Pulping byproducts

Energy and Electricity

Byproducts that are used to generate power or heat

Electricity: Surplus electricity generated during mill operations, often from black liquor combustion or cogeneration processes.

Energy: Thermal energy generated by burning black liquor, biomass, or other residues, used for mill operations or external applications.

District Heating: Heat energy supplied from the mill to nearby communities through district heating systems.

Biogas: Methane-rich gas produced by anaerobic digestion of organic mill waste, used as a renewable energy source.

Bioethanol: A renewable biofuel produced from the fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass, such as wood residues from pulp production. Used as a fuel additive or for energy generation.

Tall Oil Derivatives

Byproducts derived from tall oil, a byproduct of the Kraft pulping process

Tall Oil: A mixture of fatty acids and resin acids extracted during pulping, used in soaps, lubricants, and biofuels.

TOR (Tall Oil Rosin): Used in adhesives, inks, and coatings for its tackiness and durability.

TOFA (Tall Oil Fatty Acid): A raw material for surfactants, alkyd resins, and lubricants.

DTO (Distilled Tall Oil): A refined tall oil product for biofuels and chemical manufacturing.

LTO (Light Tall Oil): A lighter fraction of tall oil, used in surfactants and lubricants.

Chemical Byproducts

Specialized chemicals produced during pulping

Turpentine: A volatile byproduct from softwood pulping, used in solvents, fragrances, and resins.

Lignin: A complex polymer extracted from wood, used as a raw material in adhesives, binders, carbon black, and potentially biofuels.

Functional Chemicals: Includes various wood-derived chemicals such as lignin-based products, carbon black, and specialty additives for industrial use.